Born in 1965. Started the band in 1985. Married with two children.
Plays the guitar, written and arrange most of Boohwal’s songs.
Boohwal’s leader, directly train all Boohwal vocalists over the years.
He also teaches music in several universities.
He recently established his own guitar factory, under the brand name of “Paul Geppetto Guitars“, and become the CEO of BORN Star Training Center in Seoul.
On one variety show he appeared in, they had a “renewing your vow” marriage ceremony and his wife appeared on TV.
They are among the few lucky people in the world who get to live with the love of their life, and after 25 years together, they still have that sparkle between them. To love and to be loved like that, I can only say he must be a wonderful man:)
Plays the guitar, written and arrange most of Boohwal’s songs.
Boohwal’s leader, directly train all Boohwal vocalists over the years.
He also teaches music in several universities.
He recently established his own guitar factory, under the brand name of “Paul Geppetto Guitars“, and become the CEO of BORN Star Training Center in Seoul.
On one variety show he appeared in, they had a “renewing your vow” marriage ceremony and his wife appeared on TV.
They are among the few lucky people in the world who get to live with the love of their life, and after 25 years together, they still have that sparkle between them. To love and to be loved like that, I can only say he must be a wonderful man:)
Born in 1969. Joined Boohwal in 1997. Married with two children.
Plays the drum, and runs the Boohwal Music Academy.
As all other Boohwal members, he teaches drum in several music schools and academies.
Previously a member of the bands Not 2B, 주니퍼 (Juniper), 티삼스 (Tisams). Tisams released an album in 1988 (by Asia Records). Juniper released an album in 2000. He also released an album with a project band “Noise 11″ (노이즈 일레븐) in 2009. Aside from his band activities, he also plays the drum for a lot of renown singers’s live performances and recordings, aside from teaching drum in several music schools..
Plays the drum, and runs the Boohwal Music Academy.
As all other Boohwal members, he teaches drum in several music schools and academies.
Previously a member of the bands Not 2B, 주니퍼 (Juniper), 티삼스 (Tisams). Tisams released an album in 1988 (by Asia Records). Juniper released an album in 2000. He also released an album with a project band “Noise 11″ (노이즈 일레븐) in 2009. Aside from his band activities, he also plays the drum for a lot of renown singers’s live performances and recordings, aside from teaching drum in several music schools..
Born in 1974 (but officially written 1975on paper^^). Joined Boohwal in 1999.
Following his parents wishes to study physics, yet he realized his path is on a different direction. He took Master’s on Performing Arts from Kyunghee University Graduate School. He teaches bass in more than 3 universities in Korea.
As the official representative of Boohwal, he also manages the Boohwal Entertainment.
Previously a member of Not 2B. Also a member of the project band “Little Wing” and “Jackpot” (잭팟). Among the music projects he worked on was the musical “Hedwig and the Angry Inch” and movie projects. He also contributed in Carmine Appice’s Guitar Zeus Korea, playing bass for “Days are Night”. He also plays the bass for a lot of renown singers’s live performances and recordings.
Following his parents wishes to study physics, yet he realized his path is on a different direction. He took Master’s on Performing Arts from Kyunghee University Graduate School. He teaches bass in more than 3 universities in Korea.
As the official representative of Boohwal, he also manages the Boohwal Entertainment.
Previously a member of Not 2B. Also a member of the project band “Little Wing” and “Jackpot” (잭팟). Among the music projects he worked on was the musical “Hedwig and the Angry Inch” and movie projects. He also contributed in Carmine Appice’s Guitar Zeus Korea, playing bass for “Days are Night”. He also plays the bass for a lot of renown singers’s live performances and recordings.
Born in 1980. Joined Boohwal in 2005.
Single. He is the vocalist of the band.
Following the lead of other Boohwal members, he also teaches in several music academies and universities.
He majored in Korean language and literature, where he played the guitar for his university’s band club. Previous to joining Boohwal he sung for several drama OST.
His first live performance with Boohwal was on Boohwal’s 20th anniversary concert, and he’s stayed with the band since. He holds the record as the vocalist who stays with the band the longest.
Single. He is the vocalist of the band.
Following the lead of other Boohwal members, he also teaches in several music academies and universities.
He majored in Korean language and literature, where he played the guitar for his university’s band club. Previous to joining Boohwal he sung for several drama OST.
His first live performance with Boohwal was on Boohwal’s 20th anniversary concert, and he’s stayed with the band since. He holds the record as the vocalist who stays with the band the longest.
Started in 1985 with Kim Tae-Won (김태원) as the leader. He plays the guitar and wrote most of the band’s songs. There were originally three members, with Kim Jong-Seo (김종서) as the vocalist. Back then, they did not have their own songs, so they played “copy-music”, famous western rock songs, such as “Stairway to Heaven” and such. The band was called “The End” back then.
Kim Jong-Seo left “The End” in 1986, and Lee Seung-Cheul (이승철) joined the band as they was re-born with the name “Boohwal” (부활). They released the first album in 1986. “Heeya” (희야) became a hit song in Korea, but few people remember this band behind the song. Lee Seung-Chul’s name overcome the whole band, and a lot remember this song as his debut song instead of the band’s. Lee stayed with the band until the second album that featured the song “The Last Concert” (마지막 콘서트) and left for his solo carrier.
Kim Tae-Won, the leader and the main motor of the band fell into the darkest period of his life wherein he came to know marijuana. A new light came to shine again for Boohwal as Kim Tae-Won met Kim Je-Gi (김재기), a young man with exquisite voice that brought back Boohwal to fame with the hit song The more I love” (사랑할수록). Too bad Kim Je-Gi died in a traffic accident one day after his first demo recording. The vocal position was transfered to his brother, who were said to have just the same voice as him. Kim Jae-Hee (김재희) stayed with Boohwal until the band’s 4th album.
After that, Boohwal had changed vocalist on every other album. Park Wan-Gyu (박완규) recorded the 5th album(1997) with Boohwal, with the hit song “Lonely Night“.
Kim Ki-Yeon (김기연) recorded the 6th album, with the title song “Possibility” (가능성). Drummer Che Je-Min (채제민)joined the band starting from this album. Bassist Seo Jae-Hyuck (서재혁) joined the band with the release of this very album in 1999.
Lee Seong-Uk (이성욱) recorded the 7th album, and Lee Seung-Chul signed a contract with Boohwal for his 2002 concert and recorded the 8th album. “Never Ending Story“, the title song of the 8th album is said to be one of Korea’s eternal songs.. Jeong Dan (정단), Boohwal’s vocalist from 2003-2004, recorded the 9th album, with the title song “Beautiful Truth” (아름다운 사실) taken for a movie soundtrack (내 머리속의 지우개 – “eraser inside my head”), Boohwal was back on Korea’s pop music track.
In 2005, Jeong Dong-Ha (정동하) (real name Jeong Je-Hwan-정재환) became Boohwal’s 9th vocalist and have loyally stayed with the band since. The young Jeong Dong-Ha have also succeeded in attracting young fans(teenagers and youths in their 20s) in the Korean music industry which is crowded by boybands and girlbands.
Starting in 2008/2009, Boohwal’s leader Kim Tae-Won started to show up on some Korean variety shows, gaining even more fame for the band. His long hair and very bad health condition has earned him the nickname “national grandmother” (국민 할머니) – although associated with a grandmother, gaining “national” nickname is not a small thing in homogenic patriotic Korea.
More information through: http://boohwal.wordpress.com/
More information through: http://boohwal.wordpress.com/
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