At the same time, Kim Tae Won was also in charge of the OST for the movie "A Moment to Remember" (머리속의 지우게). The title song of this 9th album titled "Beautiful Truth" (아름다운 사실) was used as the main OST of the movie.
Below is a clip of Boohwal performance in Concert 7080 featuring "Tree Bicycle (나무자전거) performing Beautiful Truth~ :)
Coming out of Boohwal, Jeong Dan adopted "Green Face" as stage name and work on solo projects.
Among movie/drama OSTs Green Face participated in:
- 내일은 비 - OST of "A Moment to Remember" (머리속의 지우게)
- 그대가 그립다 - OST of "바람불어 좋은날"
- 사랑은 그리움의 친구입니다 - OST of "Youthful Beauty" (동안미녀)
Please find below 2 songs of Green Face I can't help my heart bumping everytime I hear it~~"Love is a friend of longing" which is the OST for "Youthful Beauty" and "Horang Nabi" which was originally sung by Kim Hueng-Kuk and re-arranged by Green Face himself (which you can find in his second album) sung live in Olleh Square Talk Concert past 24 July 2011. My separate accounts on google made it difficult to link it from youtube thus the live video is not so clear. Go to youtube for a better quality.
Wow I just realized that I really don't know much about Jeong Dan judging from how short this post is T_T
Well, the guy just have this wonderful voice, and what more is needed from a singer, don't you think? ^^
Note that he seems to be the oldest among the four vocalist in "누구나 사랑을 한다" since they all call him "hyeong" although my naver search resulted that Park Wan Kyu is older.. probably there's some late registration or what not going on there.. I'll edit this part of the post once I collected more info about him (which is not likely since he's really not "out there" on the web). If you're interested in this guy though, you can check his official fan club~ :)
Lastly, a song from Green Face's second album, "a story I want to tell my lover" (우리 애인에게 하고 싶은 이야기) sung live in Olleh Square Talk Concert, also on 24July 2011 (I'm going again this August 28th btw~ ^^)