Tuesday 9 August 2011

Hot Potato [뜨거운 감자]

This was actually a posting I wrote last year that landed me with free tickets for Incheon Pentaport Rock Festival. I watched Hot Potato's concert live about a month ago, and they just, simply, rock out!

뜨거운 감자Hot Potato, is a duo consist of Kim C (guitar+vocal) and 고범준 (bass).
The band was formed in 2000, and despite the long 10 years they've walked in Korean music industry, they've yet reached the peak until only recently.

Kim C, on the other hand, is more known for his appearance in a popular variety show called "2 days 1 night" (1박2일). It's not that I like him because of his performance in this TV show, but it does help to get to know what kind of person he is. And personally, I find him a very intelligent and humanist person. His genuineness is incomparable to a lot of Korean artists. I respect him for that.

Now, 뜨거운 감자 has released 5 albums:
1집: Navi (2000)
2집: New Turn (2003)
3집: 연기 (年記) (2006)
4짐: The Journey of Cultivating a Potato Field (2008)
5집: 시소 (Seesaw) (2010)
Now, I personally think they should have gotten the attention since the 3rd album. My personal favourite from this album is "좌절금지" (Passing Out Forbidden). The title, for one, really catches your attention; and the melody is also easy listening. 뜨거운감자's music is one that does not ask you to think much, easy listening, but when you think about it, you'd find that it's really rich with meanings.
The music video is also fun~enjoy! ^^*

뜨거운감자 (좌절금지)

From this 3rd album, you have to also listen to the songs "Today Is", "봄바람 따라간 여인", and "청춘".
Now, the fourth album is one that cost 뜨거운감자 the least loss than what they've gain since their first debut. That's right, this band is not popular in Korea - not because of their music, coz you saw and heard how cool they are - but because Korea is a land where only pretty face survives... sad, yeah. The video below features a song from their 4th album, titled 생각 (Thought), brought live in a TV program. By the end of the song, he's sharing a bit of the story of 뜨거운감자 and also how they practically have not made any benefits so far playing music, but their doing it coz they love doing it~^^

뜨거운감자 (생각)

Now, 2010 is the time for 뜨거운감자 to rise. Go Go Go!! ^_^
The album "Seesaw" (시소) receives the best response 뜨거운감자 had ever received so far. In fact, I hear this song in every 5 meters now when I'm walking downtown in Seoul~ ^^
I don't wanna spoil it for you, so just watch the video~

뜨거운감자 (고백)

I wish their success for more years ahead. Kim C rock! 뜨거운감자 화이팅!
뜨거운감자 펜글럽: http://cafe.daum.net/hotpotato
Kim C's twitter: http://twitter.com/slykimc
고범준's twitter: http://twitter.com/thin_go
고범준 미니홈피: http://www.ahaba.net/mini/home_frame.php?homepy_num=0207471

Need more convincing? Another live stage of 뜨거운감자  with a line from the 3rd album, 봄바람 따라간 여인 (it's my personal favorite!) ^^*

뜨거운감자 (봄바람 따라간 여인, 좌절금지)

뜨거운감자 많이많이 사랑해주시고 같이 응원해주세요~~!!^ㅇ^

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